Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Effizienter Array-Identäts-Test?
26.08.2010 14:56:59 carpetemporem
26.08.2010 18:14:20 carpetemporem

Ansicht des Beitrags:
26.08.2010 14:56:59
Rating: Antwort:
Effizienter Array-Identäts-Test?
Wenn ich 2 Datenfelder in Variant Variablen bekomme (z.B. als Funktionsparameter), wie kann ich effizient testen, ob es sich bei beiden um dasselbe Datenfeld handelt, ohne den Inhalt der beiden zu zerstören?

Und die wichtige Zusatzfrage: weiß jemand eine Möglichkeit (ausser Funktionsparameter ByRef), um einer Variant Variablen ein Datenfeld zuzuweisen, ohne dieses zu kopieren?

Beispiel mit einer sehr hässlichen 'fbIsSameArray' Funktion:

Public Sub fTest()
Dim toObject1 As Collection
Set toObject1 = New Collection
Dim toObject2 As Collection
Set toObject2 = New Collection

Dim tavSource As Variant
Let tavSource = Array( _
0, toObject1, toObject2, "drei", 4, Nothing)

Dim tavTarget As Variant

Dim tavResult As Variant
Let tavResult = Array(toObject1, toObject2, Nothing)

Call fCollectObjects(tavTarget, tavSource)
Debug.Assert fbVerifyObjects(tavResult, tavTarget)
Debug.Print "Collect 1 ok"

Call fCollectObjects(tavSource, tavSource)
Debug.Assert fbVerifyObjects(tavResult, tavTarget)
Debug.Assert fbVerifyObjects(tavResult, tavSource)
Debug.Print "Collect 2 ok"

Let tavTarget = Empty
Debug.Assert IsEmpty(tavSource)
Debug.Print "Same Array ok"

' assertion fails because 'tavTarget' and 'tavSource'
' are copies due to internal parameter assignment
' (and thereby array copying).

' preferably they should identical but how?
End Sub

Private Function fbVerifyObjects( _
ByRef pavResult As Variant, ByRef pavArray As Variant)
Let fbVerifyObjects = LBound(pavResult) = LBound(pavArray) _
And UBound(pavResult) = UBound(pavArray)

If fbVerifyObjects Then
Dim tnOffset As Long
Let tnOffset = LBound(pavResult)

If tnOffset > UBound(pavResult) Then
Exit Function
End If

If Not pavResult(tnOffset) Is pavArray(tnOffset) Then
Let fbVerifyObjects = False
Exit Function
End If

Let tnOffset = tnOffset + 1
End If
End Function

Public Sub fCollectObjects( _
ByRef pavTarget As Variant, ByRef pavSource As Variant)
If (Not IsEmpty(pavTarget) And Not IsArray(pavTarget)) _
Or IsEmpty(pavSource) Or Not IsArray(pavSource) Then
Let pavTarget = Empty
Exit Sub
End If

Dim tnCount As Long
Let tnCount = 0

Dim tnSourceOffset As Long
Let tnSourceOffset = LBound(pavSource)

If tnSourceOffset > UBound(pavSource) Then
Exit Do
End If

If IsObject(pavSource(tnSourceOffset)) Then
Let tnCount = tnCount + 1
End If

Let tnSourceOffset = tnSourceOffset + 1

If fbIsSameArray(pavTarget, pavSource) Then
Dim tavTarget As Variant

ReDim tavTarget(LBound(pavSource) _
To LBound(pavSource) + tnCount - 1) As Variant

Call fCopyObjects(tavTarget, pavSource)

Let pavTarget = tavTarget
ReDim pavTarget(LBound(pavSource) _
To LBound(pavSource) + tnCount - 1) As Variant

Call fCopyObjects(pavTarget, pavSource)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub fCopyObjects( _
ByRef pavTarget As Variant, ByRef pavSource As Variant)
Dim tnTargetOffset As Long
Let tnTargetOffset = LBound(pavTarget)

Dim tnSourceOffset As Long
Let tnSourceOffset = LBound(pavSource)

If tnTargetOffset > UBound(pavTarget) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If IsObject(pavSource(tnSourceOffset)) Then
Set pavTarget(tnTargetOffset) = _
Let tnTargetOffset = tnTargetOffset + 1
End If

Let tnSourceOffset = tnSourceOffset + 1
End Sub

Public Function fbIsSameArray( _
ByRef pavOne As Variant, ByRef pavTwo As Variant) As Boolean
Let fbIsSameArray = False

If IsEmpty(pavOne) Then
If IsEmpty(pavTwo) Then
Let pavOne = Null
Let fbIsSameArray = IIf(IsNull(pavTwo), True, False)
Let pavOne = Empty
End If

Exit Function
End If

If IsEmpty(pavTwo) Then
Exit Function
End If

' both are not 'Empty' here, so array test is possible

If Not IsArray(pavOne) Or Not IsArray(pavTwo) Then
Exit Function
End If

Dim tiFrom As Long
Let tiFrom = LBound(pavOne)
Dim tiInto As Long
Let tiInto = UBound(pavOne)

If tiFrom <> LBound(pavTwo) Or tiInto <> UBound(pavTwo) Then
Exit Function
End If

' now it gets ugly:

' if the items of the arrays contains arrays, an item-
' assignment test yields array copies by back assignment.

' so grow one and see whether the other one grows too.

ReDim Preserve pavOne(tiFrom To tiInto + 1)
Let fbIsSameArray = _
IIf(UBound(pavOne) = UBound(pavTwo), True, False)
ReDim Preserve pavOne(tiFrom To tiInto)
End Function

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  • Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem möglichst ausführlich. (Wichtige Info z.B.: Office Version, Betriebssystem, Wo genau kommen Sie nicht weiter)
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  • Die Angabe der Emailadresse ist freiwillig und wird nur verwendet, um Sie bei Antworten auf Ihren Beitrag zu benachrichtigen

Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Effizienter Array-Identäts-Test?
26.08.2010 14:56:59 carpetemporem
26.08.2010 18:14:20 carpetemporem