Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot VBA Formula returns #Name error, but simply refreshing solves error?
17.05.2016 22:19:03 Torben
20.05.2016 09:44:05 Gast70159

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17.05.2016 22:19:03
Rating: Antwort:
VBA Formula returns #Name error, but simply refreshing solves error?
Hello VBA forum, I'm working right now on a VBA project. Inside of a VBA sub I write the following code/formula into a cell: "=IF(ODER(ISNA(E" & number_of_rows & "),F" & number_of_rows & "="""",G9=""""),""Please, enter part number/rental duration/tax rate"",I" & number_of_rows & "*(1+G9))" number_of_row is here a number. When I run the code, the related cell has the code inside but is not able to return the right value. Instead it returns the error "#NAME?". But the Formula seems to be right and when you click in the cell and simply hit enter to try to runt he code again the code works and the right number is returned. Is there any way how I can have that "refreshing" also inside of the macro? I would like to spare this additional step for the user. I'm looking forward to any hints... thanks Torben

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Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot VBA Formula returns #Name error, but simply refreshing solves error?
17.05.2016 22:19:03 Torben
20.05.2016 09:44:05 Gast70159