Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
01.07.2015 10:59:02 Gast0107
01.07.2015 22:57:29 Gast67897
Rot Code zum Problem
02.07.2015 08:32:40 Gast0107
02.07.2015 14:50:36 Gast8986

Ansicht des Beitrags:
02.07.2015 08:32:40
Rating: Antwort:
Code zum Problem
Vielleicht kann der Code weiterhelfen. In der xlsm-Datei sind zwei Module mit folgendem Code gespeichert: Modul "Start" Option Explicit Private Sub Auto_Open() Dim datas As Workbook Dim datas_range As String Dim i As Long Dim this_wb As Workbook Set this_wb = ActiveWorkbook Set datas = Workbooks.Open(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\checklist_data.xls") datas.Sheets("data").Activate Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select datas_range = Selection.Address Dim datas_range_array() As String datas_range_array = Split(datas_range, ":") datas_range = datas_range_array(1) datas_range_array = Split(datas_range, "$") Dim last_col As String Dim last_row As String last_col = datas_range_array(1) last_row = datas_range_array(2) Dim first_col As String Dim first_row As String first_col = "A" first_row = "2" datas_range = Replace(datas_range, "$", "") Dim anz_cols As Integer Dim anz_rows As Integer anz_cols = Asc(last_col) - Asc(first_col) anz_rows = last_row - first_row Dim data_names() As Variant Dim data_type() As Variant ReDim data_names(Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col), 1 To 2) ReDim data_type(1 To 4) Dim farben() As String ReDim farben(Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col)) For i = Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col) data_names(i, 1) = Range(Chr(i) & first_row).Value If IsNumeric(Range(Chr(i) & first_row - 1).Value) = True Then data_names(i, 2) = Range(Chr(i) & first_row - 1).Value data_type(Range(Chr(i) & first_row - 1).Value) = data_type(Range(Chr(i) & first_row - 1).Value) & i & "," Else data_names(i, 2) = "-" End If Next i Dim data() As Variant ReDim data(Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col)) Dim r As Integer For i = Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col) If IsNumeric(Range(Chr(i) & first_row - 1).Value) Then For r = first_row + 1 To last_row If Range(Chr(i) & r).Value <> "" Then data(i) = data(i) & r & "," farben(i) = Range(Chr(i) & first_row).Interior.Color End If Next r End If Next i Dim typ_col() As String Dim atm_col As String Dim atm_data() As String Dim d As Integer Dim atm_anz As Integer Dim atm_value As String StartForm.Option_Art.AddItem "-" StartForm.Option_Sicherstellung.AddItem "-" StartForm.Option_Checkbox.AddItem "-" For i = 1 To 4 typ_col = Split(data_type(i), ",") For r = UBound(typ_col) - 1 To 0 Step -1 If i = 1 Then If data(typ_col(r)) <> "" Then atm_col = Chr(typ_col(r)) 'col (letter) atm_data = Split(data(typ_col(r)), ",") atm_anz = UBound(atm_data) - 1 this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate Rows("11:11").Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove Rows("11:11").RowHeight = 5 For d = UBound(atm_data) - 1 To 0 Step -1 Rows("11:11").Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove Range("A11:H11").Select Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlHairline End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlHairline End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlHairline End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlHairline End With With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlHairline End With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone Range("A11:B11").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With Selection.Merge With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = True End With Selection.Font.Bold = True datas.Sheets("data").Activate atm_value = Range(first_col & atm_data(d)).Value this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate Range("C11") = atm_value Rows("11:11").RowHeight = 13.5 Range("A11:H11").Select Selection.Interior.Color = farben(typ_col(r)) Next d Range("A11") = data_names(typ_col(r), 1) datas.Sheets("data").Activate End If End If Next r If i <> 1 Then atm_data = Split(data_type(i), ",") For d = 0 To UBound(atm_data) - 1 datas.Sheets("data").Activate atm_value = Range(Chr(atm_data(d)) & first_row) this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate If i = 2 Then StartForm.Option_Art.AddItem atm_value End If If i = 3 Then StartForm.Option_Sicherstellung.AddItem atm_value End If If i = 4 Then StartForm.Option_Checkbox.AddItem atm_value End If Next d End If Next i StartForm.Option_Art.ListIndex = 0 StartForm.Option_Sicherstellung.ListIndex = 0 StartForm.Option_Checkbox.ListIndex = 0 datas.Close this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate Range("A1").Select StartForm.Show End Sub Und das Modul "Startinput" Sub start_form() Dim datas As Workbook Dim datas_range As String Dim i As Long Dim this_wb As Workbook Set this_wb = ActiveWorkbook Set datas = Workbooks.Open(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\checklist_data.xls") datas.Sheets("data").Activate Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select datas_range = Selection.Address Dim datas_range_array() As String datas_range_array = Split(datas_range, ":") datas_range = datas_range_array(1) datas_range_array = Split(datas_range, "$") Dim last_col As String Dim last_row As String last_col = datas_range_array(1) last_row = datas_range_array(2) Dim first_col As String Dim first_row As String first_col = "A" first_row = "2" datas_range = Replace(datas_range, "$", "") Dim anz_cols As Integer Dim anz_rows As Integer anz_cols = Asc(last_col) - Asc(first_col) anz_rows = last_row - first_row ' art = 2 Dim art_id As String art_id = StartForm.Option_Art Dim ii As Integer Dim soll_punkt As String Dim iii As Integer Dim datas_range1 As String Dim datas_range_array1() As String datas.Sheets("data").Activate If art_id <> "-" Then For i = Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col) If Range(Chr(i) & first_row).Value = art_id Then For ii = first_row To last_row If Range(Chr(i) & ii).Value = "x" Then soll_punkt = Range(first_col & ii).Value this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate Range("Daten").Select datas_range1 = Selection.Address datas_range_array1 = Split(datas_range1, ":") datas_range1 = datas_range_array1(1) datas_range_array1 = Split(datas_range1, "$") last_row1 = datas_range_array1(2) For iii = 11 To last_row1 If Range("C" & iii).Value = soll_punkt Then Range("D" & iii) = "x" End If Next iii datas.Sheets("data").Activate End If Next ii End If Next i End If ' sicherstellung = 3 Dim sicherstellung_id As String sicherstellung_id = StartForm.Option_Sicherstellung datas.Sheets("data").Activate If sicherstellung_id <> "-" Then For i = Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col) If Range(Chr(i) & first_row).Value = sicherstellung_id Then For ii = first_row To last_row If Range(Chr(i) & ii).Value = "x" Then soll_punkt = Range(first_col & ii).Value this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate Range("Daten").Select datas_range1 = Selection.Address datas_range_array1 = Split(datas_range1, ":") datas_range1 = datas_range_array1(1) datas_range_array1 = Split(datas_range1, "$") last_row1 = datas_range_array1(2) For iii = 11 To last_row1 If Range("C" & iii).Value = soll_punkt Then Range("D" & iii) = "x" End If Next iii datas.Sheets("data").Activate End If Next ii End If Next i End If ' checkbox = 4 Dim checkbox_id As String checkbox_id = StartForm.Option_Checkbox datas.Sheets("data").Activate If checkbox_id <> "-" Then For i = Asc(first_col) To Asc(last_col) If Range(Chr(i) & first_row).Value = checkbox_id Then For ii = first_row To last_row If Range(Chr(i) & ii).Value = "x" Then soll_punkt = Range(first_col & ii).Value this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate Range("Daten").Select datas_range1 = Selection.Address datas_range_array1 = Split(datas_range1, ":") datas_range1 = datas_range_array1(1) datas_range_array1 = Split(datas_range1, "$") last_row1 = datas_range_array1(2) For iii = 11 To last_row1 If Range("C" & iii).Value = soll_punkt Then Range("D" & iii) = "x" End If Next iii datas.Sheets("data").Activate End If Next ii End If Next i End If datas.Close this_wb.Sheets("checklist").Activate StartForm.Hide Range("A1").Select End Sub

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  • Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem möglichst ausführlich. (Wichtige Info z.B.: Office Version, Betriebssystem, Wo genau kommen Sie nicht weiter)
  • Bitte helfen Sie ebenfalls wenn Ihnen geholfen werden konnte und markieren Sie Ihre Anfrage als erledigt (Klick auf Häckchen)
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  • Die Angabe der Emailadresse ist freiwillig und wird nur verwendet, um Sie bei Antworten auf Ihren Beitrag zu benachrichtigen

Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
01.07.2015 10:59:02 Gast0107
01.07.2015 22:57:29 Gast67897
Rot Code zum Problem
02.07.2015 08:32:40 Gast0107
02.07.2015 14:50:36 Gast8986