Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
23.11.2019 07:01:10 Harald
23.11.2019 08:49:36 Gast95447
23.11.2019 08:56:31 Gast15669
Blau Steuerung von dritt Programmen - Tasten übergabe
23.11.2019 10:35:53 Gast54186

Ansicht des Beitrags:
23.11.2019 10:35:53
Rating: Antwort:
Steuerung von dritt Programmen - Tasten übergabe

Sub WMI()
    Dim oWMISrvEx       As Object   'SWbemServicesEx
    Dim oWMIObjSet      As Object   'SWbemServicesObjectSet
    Dim oWMIObjEx       As Object   'SWbemObjectEx
    Dim oWMIProp        As Object   'SWbemProperty
    Dim sWQL            As String   'WQL Statement
    Dim n               As Long     'Generic Counter
    sWQL = "Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"
    Set oWMISrvEx = GetObject("winmgmts:root/CIMV2")
    Set oWMIObjSet = oWMISrvEx.ExecQuery(sWQL)
    For Each oWMIObjEx In oWMIObjSet
        'Put a STOP here then View > Locals Window to see all properties
        If Not IsNull(oWMIObjEx.IPAddress) Then
            Debug.Print "IP:"; oWMIObjEx.IPAddress(0)
            Debug.Print "Host name:"; oWMIObjEx.DNSHostName
            For Each oWMIProp In oWMIObjEx.Properties_
                If IsArray(oWMIProp.Value) Then
                    For n = LBound(oWMIProp.Value) To UBound(oWMIProp.Value)
                        Debug.Print oWMIProp.Name & "(" & n & ")", oWMIProp.Value(n)
                    Debug.Print oWMIProp.Name, oWMIProp.Value
                End If
        End If
End Sub
Want to see more?
Here is a workbook that facilitates exploring several hundred classes containing information about our CPU, disk drives, memory, operating system, applications, users, and much, much more.  And it can query remote PCs and servers too, assuming you have the credentials.
WMI Query.xlsm: 
Uses for WMI Query.xlsm

    Inventory all PCs in a network including all hardware and software using:
        Win32_SystemEnclosure - PC's Manufacturer and Serial Number
        Win32_LogicalDisk - Disks with capacities and free space.
        Win32_Processor - CPU Specs
        Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray - RAM/Installed Memory size
        Win32_VideoController - Graphics adapter and settings
        Win32_OnBoardDevice - Motherboard devices
        Win32_OperatingSystem - Which version of Windows with Serial Number 
        WIn32_Printer - Installed Printers
        Win32_Product - Installed Software
    WIn32_Account - List all User Accounts on a PC or Domain
    Win32_ComputerSystem - See who is currently using a remote PC (also Win32_LoggedOnUser)
    Win32_BaseService - List services running (or stopped) on any PC along with the service's path and file name.
    And hundreds more!


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  • Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem möglichst ausführlich. (Wichtige Info z.B.: Office Version, Betriebssystem, Wo genau kommen Sie nicht weiter)
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  • Die Angabe der Emailadresse ist freiwillig und wird nur verwendet, um Sie bei Antworten auf Ihren Beitrag zu benachrichtigen

Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
23.11.2019 07:01:10 Harald
23.11.2019 08:49:36 Gast95447
23.11.2019 08:56:31 Gast15669
Blau Steuerung von dritt Programmen - Tasten übergabe
23.11.2019 10:35:53 Gast54186